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Irene Colthurst
English - Conversational English
English - Writing
English - IELTS
Trial Class (only 1 per student) - Sample Lesson / Trial Lesson
English - Intermediate
Teacher Experience
5 years
Rates from
(UTC-07:00) America, Los Angeles
About Me

Hello! My name is Irene (eye-RI-ni). 
I'm from California, USA. (My time zone is GMT-7.) I've begun traveling long-term as an online worker. My TEFL certificate is from the University of Toronto.  My university degree is in international relations. 
I am an ESL teacher for adults, and I have taught ESL online since April 2019. 
I teach: 
Topic-Based Conversation Practice: intense grammar error correction, new vocabulary and expressions in context, and pronunciation tips using everyday, business English, or social topics (such as homelessness or climate change).  I provide homework exercises on grammar and vocabulary for each topic.  

Topic-Based English Writing allows you to develop your writing skills (vocabulary, written expressions, transitions, and structure) in a live writing lesson with a variety of topics such as health, work, plans, and your city. 

Job Interview Prep: Prepare for an interview by practicing your professional intro and your answers to the most common questions from hiring managers.  
My Teaching Style: 
-Serious, communicative style

-Strict and correct with your English 

-Focused on errors, natural expressions, and vocabulary growth

-Supportive of you 

What to expect: 
-Gain lots of knowledge of English expressions and grammar mechanics

-Receive detailed, constant feedback 
-High expectations 
-Support and patience 
Personal Interests: 
My great love is history and historical fiction. I write reviews of historical novels for the Historical Novel Society, and I aim to begin writing my own historical fiction. 


I am available Sunday to Thursday between 13:00-17:00 and 18:00-20:00 GMT-7.  I use Whereby and Skype.   My Skype name is in my lesson descriptions.  Schedule a trial session today.

My Lessons


Topic-Based English Conversation Practice

60 minutes


Practice your English by having conversations about different topics, such as health, movies, or homelessness. Topics can be customized to your interests: academic, business English, or everyday English. I provide an article on each topic for you to study before the lesson. In the lesson, we will talk about the topic. My intensive error correction and grammar reviews, suggestions of new vocabulary and expressions, and feedback on incorrect expressions will improve your speaking skills. For lesson availability contact me on Skype: irene.colthurst

Topic-Based English Writing Practice

60 minutes


A live English writing lesson. Come learn how to start a piece of writing and complete the first version. Each lesson will have a topic for you to write on (money, friends, your work, etc.) At the beginning of class time, I will give you a question to answer about that topic to start your ideas for a new piece of writing. I will type your ideas into a GoogleDoc in screen share. I will give you editing advice, suggestions of natural expressions, and organization tips. For lesson availability contact me on Skype: irene.colthurst

Edit Your Writing

45 minutes


Did you already write something in English? Do you want me to edit it directly in a lesson, and explain the corrections as I do it? Please put your writing in a GoogleDoc and schedule this lesson! You will learn so much directly from your mistakes. I will suggest new, natural expressions that you can put into your writing to take it to the next level. For lesson availability contact me on Skype: irene.colthurst

Grammar Review

60 minutes


Master English grammar with focused, structured lessons that provide lots of practice. We will meet to decide on your needs and interests. Then I will customize the grammar topics we will work on. Using sentence examples, I will explain grammar points such as each of the 12 verb tenses, prepositions, articles, or adverbs. We will always focus on English sentence order. You will receive online exercises to complete on each grammar point. For lesson availability contact me on Skype: irene.colthurst

Trial Meeting -- 1 per new student

30 minutes


In this trial meeting, we will introduce ourselves. We will talk about your background and reasons for studying English. I will suggest one of my lessons for your needs. To schedule a trial lesson, contact me on Skype: irene.colthurst In this trial meeting for new students, we will talk about your background and your reasons for learning English. We will talk about your needs and about language learning. I will assess your English level and describe the lessons I offer. Based on your needs, I will suggest one or more of my lessons. For adults only. One lesson per student.

30-min Topic-Based Conversation Practice

30 minutes


A shorter conversation practice lesson for busy professionals. Practice your English by having conversations about different topics, such as health, movies, or homelessness. Topics can be customized to your interests: academic, business English, or everyday English. I provide an article on each topic for you to study before the lesson. In the lesson, we will talk about the topic. My intensive error correction and grammar reviews, suggestions of new vocabulary and expressions, and feedback on incorrect expressions will improve your speaking skills. For lesson availability contact me on Skype: irene.colthurst